One month. Four weekly topics. Digital and hybrid formats. A real-life exhibition in Berlin-Neukölln. Watch our Livestream!

Since we have organised #rpREMOTE on 7 May 2020, a free one-day online conference in digital exile accessible to all for the first time in our history, we are now about to launch another prototype this September. Meant as an experimental ground for future projects, re:publica Campus at Ziegrastraße 1, Berlin-Neukölln will create a framework where we will work together with various partners to implement new digital, hybrid and analogue formats from 6 September to 4 October 2020. More information.

Check out here for the location plan. Information about how to get there can be found here. The program of our weekly topic “Netzfest” is available for download here.


On the day of Germany Unity and at the end of our  one-month #rpCampus programme, we’ll stream the discussion „Wir sind eins? 30 Jahre deutsche Einheit” with WDR Director General Tom Buhrow and Juliane Leopold, ARD Chief Editor for digital content .
The symposium will be presented online as well as on site at the Natural History Museum, Berlin. True to the motto "MuseumFutures" international thought leaders from culture, science, art and politics will discuss the current situation of museums, their challenges and opportunities in the 21st century. The project is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.
In the week themed "Wechsel:Wirkung" we focus on the manifold forms of networks, their dependencies, synergies, causal relationships, positive and negative feedback effects. The topics we will discuss include innovations in AI, the "Night Time Economy" and the "New Normal" in the media industry.
From the struggle for survival to life itself and resilient bodies—we want to know what it means to live, with each other, against each other, for each other, in harmony with the planet. The focus of this week’s topic "Über:Leben" is on sustainability, food production and its interplay with digitisation.
Let’s get “netzfest” together! In digital live sessions and video tutorials we would like to teach attendees of all ages digital media competence on topics such as the basics of the net, democracy on the net, digital education, sustainability, inclusion and data security.


"Netz Werke" shows the diversity of a culture influenced and inspired by life on the net. The exhibition picks up technological phenomena in a playful way and allows for a view of the connections and nodes of a network that spans our everyday life.


Each week ends with a workshop day (“Werkstatt”) on which we will merge the topics of the week and invite you to participate in the discussion.

HEIMSPIEL – Berlin’s Music Scene Live at Home

HEIMSPIEL – Berlin’s Music Scene Live at Home

In a time in which no concerts, no party nights and no promo tours throughout the republic can take place, we conducted video interviews with Berlin-based musicians, bands, DJs, label managers, concert organisers as well as club and venue owners about their current situation. We want to give a voice to those who have shaped, determined and influenced the Berlin music scene for years. They tell us about the changes in their everyday life and the effects of the crisis on their creative work.

Beim Anklicken der Videos werden Daten von YouTube geladen und dort hin übermittelt.


Wir haben die Berlin​er Musikszene zu Hause besucht und Interviews zur aktuellen Situation in der Corona-Krise geführt. Das Projekt Heimspiel ist Teil des #rpCampus und ab sofort auf unseren Kanälen zu sehen.

Jasmin Shakeri

Wie systemrelevant ist die geistige Gesundheit...? Songwriterin und Komponistin Jasmin Shakeri spricht im #HEIMSPIEL-Interview über Verluste durch wegfallende Live-Gigs und das Musiker*innen-Dasein abseits von Spotify.

Anna von Raison

„Wenn du als Frau ins Studio kommst, denken die Leute immer, dass du nicht weißt wie ein Mischpult funktioniert.“ Pianistin, Musikproduzentin und Sängerin Anna von Raison spricht im #HEIMSPIEL-Video über #Empowerment durch das Erlernen von Produktionsprogrammen.


Die Ellenbogen ausfahren – für die Community! Die beiden Brüder Stefan und Michael sind KLAN und erzählen im #HEIMSPIEL-Video welche Höhen und Tiefen die Musiker-Karriere mit sich bringt, welche Sorgen sie sich um die Künstler*innen-Community machen und warum nach dem Turbokapitalismus die Anarchie kommt